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"In many aspects of modern society, administrative law plays a powerful role and can be more immediately relevant to day-to-day legal practice than either statutory or judge made law." Kent C. Olson, 160. It’s because administrative agencies act in a wide range of subject areas, using various types of laws.   You should ordinarily consider the possibility that there is some administrative law relevant to your problem.  So, attorneys will find it impossible to practice law without needing to research administrative laws.

Then, what is administrative law? Administrative law is narrowly defined as law made by agencies within the executive branch of government. According to its authority from enabling statutes enacted by the legislature, an agency may promulgate rules or regulations, adjudicate matters within its purview, and perform characteristically administrative functions such as conducting investigations or granting licenses.

In a broad sense,  it covers laws made by agencies in other branches.; further, statues and cases.  



“Administrative Law” in Steven M. Barkan et al., Fundamentals of Legal Research pp. 226-56 (9th ed. 2009).
“The Executive Branch” in Kent C. Olson, Principles of Legal Research (How to Find the Law) pp. 160-214 (9th ed. 2009).
“Administrative Law” in Florida Legal Research, Barbara J. Busharis & Suzanne E. Rowe pp. 73-94 (3rd ed. 2007).
“Administrative Law” in Massachusetts Legal Research, E. Joan Blum pp. 139-162 (2010).


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Jootaek Lee
123 Washington Street, Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 353-3039