compiled by Paul Axel-Lute
revised, April 3, 2018
The Rutgers University Library for the Center for Law and Justice (LCLJ) is actually comprised of two libraries: the specialized Don M. Gottfredson Library of Criminal Justice, within LCLJ on the third floor, and the remainder of LCLJ, usually referred to as the Law Library. CALICO, the online catalog of LCLJ includes some of the holdings of the Gottfredson Library, but many of the older materials in that collection have not yet been added to CALICO. The Criminal Justice Abstracts (CJA) are a key finding tool for the materials in the Gottfredson Library, many of which are arranged on the shelves by their CJA accession numbers. CALICO and CJA are supplemented by a Gray Literature Database of non-commercially published criminal justice material.
The present document is intended as a guide for criminal justice students to some of the materials on criminal law, criminal procedure, and other laws relevant to criminal justice topics, available in the Law Library, and on the Internet.
Besides the legal materials referred to in this pathfinder, the Law Library also includes works on criminology, administration of criminal justice, and penology. The Law Library's collections on these topics are found on the third floor, arranged by Library of Congress call numbers in the class HV. See Appendix: Browser's Guide to Criminal Justice Books in the Law Library
ALR Index (at the end of first floor row 28, at call number KF132.2 I53 ): This index will lead to "annotations" in the various series of ALR found at call number KF 132 (first floor row 13, with some second copies in third floor rows 22-23), and in the ALR Federal, call number KF 105.A54 (first floor rows 5-6). The ALR annotations are compilations of case summaries on particular questions of law, with citations to the full texts of the decisions.
American Jurisprudence 2nd, call number KF 154.A42 (first floor row 44): This legal encyclopedia is primarily a tool for finding court decisions; it consists of a text with footnote references to the cases. A similar enyclopedia, Corpus Juris Secundum (up to 2005) is next to it at call no. KF 154.C56 (row 45).
Current Law Index, (through 2013) is in the Foosaner Gallery (row 1) on the first floor. This is an index to articles in law journals and other legal periodicals, from 1980 to date. It is monthly, with quarterly and annual cumulations. Another such index, Index to Legal Periodicals & Books, extending further back in time, is in the shelving to the left of the Reference desk (note: an incomplete version of this index is available online via the Rutgers University Libraries website, for the period 1982 to date; this version, Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text, covers only about one third of the journals covered by the print version.)
Hein Online,, a full-text database accessible to all Rutgers University users, includes a library of legal journals from their earliest years through their most recent complete volumes (but usually not the issues in the current volumes). The articles are displayed as page-images, and downloadable in PDF. Articles can be retrieved by title, by author, or by citation. Full-text searches can be run, and can be set to match all the search terms, any of the search terms, or an exact phrase (but proximity searching is not possible). The full-text searches run on uncorrected OCR text, which means results may not be perfect. Besides the legal journals, Hein Online also has the Federal Register (1936-2016), the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1977-2018), United States treaties (1747 to date), U.S. Supreme Court decisions (1754 to date), U.S.Attorney General opinions (1791-1982), and Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Dep't of Justice (1977-2008).
Westlaw Campus Research is a full-text database accessible to all Rutgers University users, through this University Libraries web page. Westlaw Campus Research includes: legal journals, starting at various years, and generally including the most recent issues; annotated versions of the U.S. federal and state statutes ("annotated" meaning they include notes of court decisions interpreting the statutes); federal and state case law from the earliest years to date; federal and state regulations and court rules; U.S. Supreme Court briefs; the ALR series and American Jurisprudence 2nd. It also has a few monographs of interest to criminal justice students (to see them, click on "Content List" and then "Other Reference Materials")
Rutgers Law Library's Internet Law Guide, a compilation of links to various legal information on the Internet.
American Law Institute, Model Penal Code and Commentaries (1980-) (6 volumes), on two-hour reserve at first-floor Circulation desk (call number KF 9219.A56). Part 1 (three volumes) contains general provisions, Part 2 (three volumes) has definitions of specific crimes. The Model Penal Code was adopted by the American Law Institute in 1962. The commentaries in this set include information about states which have followed the M.P.C. in revisions of their laws.
Wayne R. LaFave, Substantive Criminal Law, 3rd edition (West 2017, 3 volumes), on two-hour reserve at first-floor Circulation desk (call number KF 9219.L386 2017). Updated by annual cumulative pocket supplements.
Joshua Dressler, Understanding Criminal Law, 7th ed. (Lexis Publishing 2015), on reserve (KF 9219.D74 2015).
Arnold H. Loewy, Criminal Law in a Nutshell, 5th ed. (West, 2009), on reserve (KF 9219.3.L63 2009).
Richard G. Singer & John Q. LaFond, Criminal Law: Examples & Explanations, 6th ed., (Aspen Law & Business, 2013), on reserve (KF 9219.3.S54 2013).
Buffalo Criminal Law Center (SUNY Buffalo)
Criminal Law page at Cornell Legal Information Institute. Includes links to state criminal codes, historic U.S. Supreme Court criminal cases, and recent U.S. Courts of Appeals criminal cases.
Browse shelves at call numbers
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading “Criminal Law.”
Title 2C Criminal Code Annotated, with comments and annotations by John M. Cannel (Gann Law Books, annual editions), latest edition on two-hour reserve at first floor Circulation desk, call number KFN2361.A334 C362.
Kenneth DelVecchio, New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice: A Practical Manual (New Jersey Law Journal Books, 2018), on reserve (KFN 2361.A3339.D45). Analyzes application of the statutes to particular fact patterns.
New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice and Motor Vehicle Laws : with related statutes and court rules (Thomson/West, annual editions), latest edition on reserve (KFN2361.A339 A2). Unannotated, but has the virtue of including penal statutes from titles other than 2C.
Gerald D. Miller, Criminal Law, 2nd ed. (West 1990) (New Jersey Practice series, volumes 33 & 33A), NJREF room, call no. KFN 1880.N4
The New Jersey Statutes, including the Criminal Code and other penal laws, are freely available at the New Jersey Legislature's web site, This will sometimes be the most up-to-date version, but lacks a practical table-of-contents (the titles open directly to full lists of sections).
The statutes at the Legislature's site are unannotated. A version of the New Jersey Statutes that is annotated and searchable, and provides a complete table-of-contents approach, is available through Westlaw Campus Research (see above)
New Jersey Model Jury Charges-- Criminal (on the Judiciary website)
Federal Criminal Code and Rules (Thomson West, annual editions). Latest edition on two-hour reserve at the first-floor Circulation desk; call number KF9205.99 .F43
United States Code, Title 18, Part I, Crimes, unannotated text is available on the Cornell LII site at
United States Code Annotated, Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure, is on two-hour reserve at the first-floor Circulation desk. This is a multi-volume set. "Annotated" means it includes notes of court decisions interpreting the statutes. The U.S.C.A. is available online through Westlaw Campus Research (see above)
United States Attorneys' Manual, Title 9: Criminal Division
Wayne R. Lafave, Jerold H. Israel, and Nancy J. King, Criminal Procedure, 4th edition (West Group, 2015, 7 volumes), on two-hour reserve at the first-floor Circulation desk (call no. KF 9619.L34 2015). Updated with annual pocket supplements.
Jerold H. Israel & Wayne R. LaFave, Criminal Procedure, Constitutional Limitations in a Nutshell 7th ed (West Group, 2006), on reserve (KF9619.3.I8)
Mark E. Cammack & Norman M. Garland, Advanced Criminal Procedure in a Nutshell, 3rd edition. (West 2016), Reserve KF 9619.3.C36 2016. "an examination of the procedural aspects of a criminal case once the investigation is complete."
Criminal Procedure page at Cornell Legal Information Institute. Includes links to state criminal codes, historic U.S. Supreme Court criminal procedure cases, and recent U.S. Courts of Appeals criminal procedure cases.
Browse shelves at call numbers KF 9618 to KF 9625 (2nd floor).
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Criminal Procedure."
Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey, with comments and annotations by Sylvia B. Pressler. (Gann Law Books, annual editions), latest edition on two-hour reserve at the first-floor Circulation desk. Part III has the rules governing criminal practice.
The New Jersey court rules (unannotated) are also freely available on the Judiciary website, at
New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, Guidelines
Leonard N. Arnold, Criminal Practice and Procedure, 3rd ed. (West 1997) (New Jersey Practice series, volumes 31 & 32), NJREF room, call number KFN 1880.N4.
Kevin G. Byrnes, New Jersey Arrest, Search & Seizure: the Law of Police-Citizen Encounters (Gann Law Books), 2017-18 edition. Reserve, KFN 2376.5.N48
William D. Paton & Richard K. Hoefling, New Jersey Criminal Trial Manual (Hanford Publishing). Reserve, KFN 2375.A59 C74. A looseleaf digest of the caselaw, using quotations from opinions.
United States Code, Title 18, Part II, Criminal Procedure, unannotated, at Cornell LII site: (For annotated, see above about U.S.Code Annotated.)
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (at Cornell) (unannotated). An annotated edition of these rules is found as part of United States Code Annotated Title 18 (on two-hour reserve at the first floor Circulation desk); this edition is in multiple volumes, so you need to ask for the volume covering a particular rule. This same edition is found online in Westlaw Campus Research (see above.) Other works which include annotations to the rules are Moore's Federal Practice, call number KF 8840.M6, volumes 24-28 (first floor, row 51); Federal Practice and Procedure, call number KF 8840.W68, volumes 1 to 3C (first floor row 51).
Victor Streib, Death Penalty in a Nutshell, 4th edition, (West, 2013), Reserve, KF 9227.C2 S771
Death Penalty page at Cornell Legal Information Institute.
New Jersey Statutes, Title 2C, Chapter 49
Browse shelves at call numbers
Check ALR Index under heading "Capital Offenses and Punishment."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Capital punishment."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Capital punishment."
New Jersey Statutes, Title 24, Chapter 21, Dangerous Substances Control Law.
21 U.S.C. ch.13, Drug Abuse Prevention and Control
Browse shelves at call numbers KF 3885 to KF 3894 (2nd floor).
Check ALR Index under heading "Drugs and narcotics."
Check Current Law index under headings "Drug abuse," "Drug addicts," "Drug courts," "Drug dealing," "Drug traffic, "Narcotic laws," "Narcotics, control of," and "Substance abuse."
Check Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under headings "Drug courts," "Drug trafficking," "Narcotics," and "Substance abuse."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subjects "Drug courts," "Drug traffic," "Narcotic laws."
New Jersey Statutes 39:4-50 to 39:4-50.23
Check ALR Index under heading "Driving while intoxicated."
Check Current Law Index under heading "Drunk driving."
Check Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Driving while intoxicated."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Drunk driving."
New Jersey Grand Jury Manual, 4th ed. (N.J. Department of Law & Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice, 1993), Reserve KFN 2377.N49
New Jersey Statutes Title 2B, Chapters 21 and 22.
18 U.S.C. §§ 3321-3322 (Cornell)
Browse shelves at call number KF 9642 (2nd floor).
Check ALR Index under heading "Grand jury."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Grand jury."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Grand jury."
Defender Resources (National Legal Aid & Defender Association). Includes standards for indigent defense systems, right to counsel resource kit, and forensics library.
New Jersey Statutes 2C:4-1 to 2C:4-9.
Browse shelves at call numbers KF 9241 - KF 9242 (2nd floor).
Check ALR Index under heading "Incompetent and insane pesons," subheading "defenses."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Insanity defense."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Insanity--jurisprudence."
International Criminal Law (ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources) / by Gail Partin. Includes annotated links to materials on the International Criminal Court.
Browse shelves at call numbers:
Check Current Law Index under headings "International Criminal Court" and "International Offenses."
Check Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under headings "International Criminal Court" and "International criminal law."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subjects "International criminal courts" and "International offenses."
New Jersey Code of Juvenile Justice: New Jersey Statutes, 2A:4A-20 et. seq.
New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapters 90 to 101 (juvenile detention)
Juvenile Justice page at Cornell Legal Information Institute.
Browse shelves at call numbers:
Check ALR Index under heading "Juvenile Courts and Delinquent Children."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under headings "Juvenile courts" and "Juvenile offenders."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Juvenile justice, administration of."
N.J. Court Rules, Rule 3:9-3, Plea Discussions; Agreements
Check ALR Index under heading "Plea Bargaining."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Plea bargaining."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Plea bargaining."
Organization: New Jersey Statutes, 40A:14-106 et seq. (county police); 40A:14-188 et seq. (municipal police); Title 53 (State Police).
Pensions: New Jersey Statutes, Title 43, Chapter 16A; New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 17, Chapters 4 to 6.
Injuries: New Jersey Statutes, section 2A:62A-21. Check ALR Index under heading "Firemen's rule" and heading "Premises liability" (subheading "Police")
Civil Liability:
Police Training Commission: New Jersey Statutes, 52:17B-66 et seq.; New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 13, Chapter 1.
New Jersey Statutes Title 30, Chapter 1B (Dep't of Corrections) and Title 30, Chapter 8 (Penal Institutions)
New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 10A: Department of Corrections. (Hardcopy is on two-hour reserve at first-floor Circulation desk)
18 U.S.C. ch.87 (Cornell)
28 C.F.R. Ch. V, Bureau of Prisons regulations (at Cornell LII)
28 C.F.R. pt.40, Standard for inmate grievance procedures (Cornell)
Prisoners' Rights page at Cornell Legal Information Institute.
Browse shelves at call numbers:
Check ALR Index under heading "Prisons and prisoners."
Check Current Law Index under heading "Prisoners."
Check Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Prisons and prisoners."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subjects "Prisoners--Legal status,laws,etc." "Prisons--law and legislation," and "Correctional law."
New Jersey Statutes, sections 30:4-123.45 et seq.
28 C.F.R. pt.2 (Cornell)
Browse shelves at call number HV 9278 - HV 9303 (third floor row 60).
Check ALR Index under heading "Parole, probation and pardon."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under headings "Parole" and "Probation."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subjects "Probation" and "Parole"
Wayne R. LaFave, Search and Seizure: A Treatise on the Fourth Amendment, 5th edition (West, 2012, six volumes), on two-hour reserve at first-floor Circulation desk, call no. KF 9630.L26. Updated with annual pocket supplements.
18 U.S.C. ch.205 (Cornell)
Browse shelves at call number KF 9630 (first floor row 54).
Check ALR Index under heading "Search and Seizure."
Check Current Law Index under heading "Searches and seizures."
Check Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Search and seizure."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Searches and seizures."
New Jersey Commission to Review Criminal Sentencing. Site includes an extensive document library.
Oral Argument Sentencing Guidelines (N.J. Judiciary, Central Appellate Research Staff, July 2004)
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manual, Reserve KF 9685.A875. Also available online on the U.S. Sentencing Commission website at . Annotated version is found with Title 18 of USCA.
Sentencing Law & Policy, a blog by Prof. Douglas A. Berman.
Browse shelves at call number KF 9685 (2nd floor).
Check ALR Index under heading "Sentences and punishment."
Check Current Law Index under heading "Sentences (criminal procedure)."
Check Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Sentencing."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Sentences (criminal procedure)."
Browse shelves at call numbers
Check ALR Index under heading "Lewdness, indecency, and obscenity" and "Rape."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under headings "Sex crimes" and "Sex offenders."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subjects "Sex crimes" and "Sex offenders."
18 U.S.C. ch.208 (Cornell)
Browse shelves at call number KF 9223.4 (2nd floor).
Check ALR Index under heading "Speedy trial."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Speedy Trial."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Speedy trial."
New Jersey Statutes, Title 52, Chapter 4B, Compensation for Victims of Crimes. Includes "Crime Victim's Bill of Rights" at 52:4B-34 et seq.
Browse shelves at call numbers HV 6250 - HV 6250.4 (third floor).
Check ALR Index under heading "Victims."
Check Current Law Index under heading "Victims of Crimes."
Check Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "Crime victims."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Victims of crimes."
18 U.S.C. ch.44 (Cornell)
Check ALR Index under heading "Weapons and Firearms."
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under headings "Gun control" and "Weapons."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "Weapons--law and legislation."
Ellen S. Podgor & Jerold H. Israel, White Collar Crime in a Nutshell, 4th (West 2009), Reserve KF 9350.Z9 P63 2009
Browse shelves at call numbers:
Check Current Law Index and Index to Legal Periodicals & Books under heading "White collar crimes."
Check LCLJ online catalog under subject "White collar crimes."
Third Floor, Rows 58-61:
First Floor, Samuel J. Foosaner Reading Room, Rows 53-54: