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New Jersey Law Topical Research Guide: Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

Criminal Law

Title 2C Criminal Code Annotated, with comments and annotations by John M. Cannel (Gann Law Books, annual editions), latest edition on two-hour reserve at first floor Circulation desk, call number KFN2361.A334 C362.

Kenneth DelVecchio, New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice: A Practical Manual (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2018), on reserve (KFN 2361.A3339.D45). Analyzes application of the statutes to particular fact patterns.

New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice and Motor Vehicle Laws : with related statutes and court rules (Thomson/West, annual editions), latest edition on reserve (KFN2361.A339 A2). Unannotated, but has the virtue of including penal statutes from titles other than 2C.

Gerald D. Miller, Criminal Law, 2nd ed. (West 1990) (New Jersey Practice series, volumes 33 & 33A), NJREF room, call no. KFN 1880.N4

The New Jersey Statutes, including the Criminal Code and other penal laws, are freely available at the New Jersey Legislature's web site, This will sometimes be the most up-to-date version, but lacks a practical table-of-contents (the titles open directly to full lists of sections).

The statutes at the Legislature's site are unannotated. A version of the New Jersey Statutes that is annotated and searchable, and provides a complete table-of-contents approach, is available through Westlaw Campus Research (see above)

New Jersey Model Jury Charges-- Criminal (on the Judiciary website)

Criminal Procedure

Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey, with comments and annotations by Sylvia B. Pressler. (Gann Law Books, annual editions), latest edition on two-hour reserve at the first-floor Circulation desk. Part III has the rules governing criminal practice.

The New Jersey court rules (unannotated) are also freely available on the Judiciary website, at

New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, Guidelines

Leonard N. Arnold, Criminal Practice and Procedure, 3rd ed. (West 1997) (Ne12w Jersey Practice series, volumes 31 & 32), NJREF room, call number KFN 1880.N4.

Kevin G. Byrnes, New Jersey Arrest, Search & Seizure: the Law of Police-Citizen Encounters (Gann Law Books), 2017-18 edition. Reserve, KFN 2376.5.N48

William D. Paton & Richard K. Hoefling, New Jersey Criminal Trial Manual (Hanford Publishing). Reserve, KFN 2375.A59 C74. A looseleaf digest of the caselaw, using quotations from opinions.