last revised May 30, 2017/ DC
General Sites
Human Rights & Humanitarian Law
International Criminal Law
International Environmental Law
International Trade & Financial Law
Law of War
Private International Law
Regional International Law
European Union
Organization of American States
Transnational Business Law
- CISG (Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods), annotated library (Pace Univ. School Law, Institute of International Commercial Law)
- Incoterms (by International Chamber of Commerce) - gives concise definitions of the Incoterms.
- Extensive site covering international trade and commercial law.
- (University of Cologne) - Includes the TransLex Principles ("New Lex Mercatoria"); national commercial legislation; international conventions; uniform laws; arbitration & mediation rules; historical materials on the law merchant.
Treaties & Conventions
United States Practice in International Law