Refer to Lee, Jootaek, Contemporary Land Grabbing: Research Sources and Bibliography (November 25, 2014). 107 Law Library Journal 259-285 (Spring 2015); Northeastern University School of Law Research Paper No. 216-2015. Available at SSRN:
Researching contemporary land grabbing issues is complicated and more difficult than traditional land grabbing research which covered between the colonial period and the early twenty-first century. Contemporary land grabbing research is difficult for researchers because of the complex reasons and motivations behind the contemporary land grabbing, the number of stakeholders involved, the interdisciplinary nature of research, the many different types of legal sources to search — international treaties, custom, jurisprudence, soft law, and domestic statutes and customary law — lack of empirical evidence, and scattered resources in many different places. The research is a mixture of international and domestic legal research and legal and non-legal research. In this article, the author first investigates the contemporary land grabbing and land alienation and their definitions and identify the difficulties of research. Next, the article delineates various mechanisms and international principles which can be useful for the protection of the rights of indigenous and local people from the attack of State and non-State actors. Finally, the author selectively reviews several books and articles with annotations which provide great starting points for contemporary land grabbing research.
This research guide is on the rights of the indigenous people. The guide asks how the rights of the indigenous people are protected under the various legal mechanisms including human rights. This guide is intended both for law students and scholars seeking information about international indigenous land rights. This may touches upon human rights law research issues, which is deeply dealt by the Human Rights Research Guide.
Lee, Jootaek and Best, Maraya, The Human Right to Water, Research, and Annotated Bibliography (February 27, 2017). 30.1 Georgetown Environmental Law Review (GELR), Forthcoming ; Northeastern University School of Law Research Paper No. 289-2017. Available at SSRN:
This article aims to ease the difficulties of researching the right to water. The article first investigates the various definitions of water and the right to water, and catalogs the challenges involved in researching the right to water. Next the article provides a history of the laws related to water and identifies mechanisms and international principles that may be useful for protecting the rights of indigenous and local people. Finally, the article identifies and reviews a group of books and articles that can provide an excellent starting point for water research.